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The difference between industrial oxygen and medical oxygen

Views: 3     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-04-24      Origin: Site

1. Definition

       Industrial oxygen: Refers to industrial use of oxygen.

       Industrial oxygen generally only requires oxygen purity, and no special requirements for other sanitary conditions.

       At the same time, it also contains excessive carbon monoxide, methane and other harmful gases, as well as high moisture, bacteria and dust content.

       Industrial oxygen is mainly used for welding, gas welding, gas cutting, etc.

       Medical oxygen: refers to oxygen whose oxygen concentration reaches 99.5% quality requirements.

       It is suitable for the adjuvant treatment of respiratory system diseases, heart and cerebrovascular diseases caused by hypoxia to relieve the symptoms of hypoxia; it can also be used for health care oxygen inhalation or quick relief of fatigue after intense mental work and physical work.

2. Oxygen concentration and purity

       Industrial oxygen: Oxygen concentration above 99% is qualified, with low purity and many impurities.

       Medical oxygen: Oxygen concentration of 99.5% is qualified, with high purity, few impurities, colorless and odorless.

3. Water content

       Industrial Oxygen: No Water Content Requirements

       Medical Oxygen: Requires very low water content. (Moisture can oxidize iron, which will cause great damage to the human body once inhaled)

       It should be noted that the impurities and harmful gases contained in industrial oxygen will cause damage to the respiratory tract, and most of the patients who need oxygen inhalation are critically ill patients, and most of them have respiratory system diseases and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Once the patient inhales excessive industrial oxygen, it will cause or aggravate the symptoms of the respiratory system. In severe cases, it is easy to cause insufficient oxygen intake and life-threatening.

       As early as 1998, the state has expressly prohibited hospitals from using industrial oxygen for patients. So how do we distinguish between these two types of oxygen? Don't worry, I'll tell you.

    1. Check the batch number and shelf life

       The medical oxygen used must have a drug batch number approved by the health department. Only the health bureaus (departments) of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government have the authority to approve drug batch numbers.

       Medical oxygen has a shelf life, which is generally 12 months from the production date. Before using oxygen, it should be strictly checked whether the shelf life has expired.

    2. Check the water pressure detection stamp

       Water pressure detection is an important means to ensure the safety of oxygen cylinders. According to national requirements, medical oxygen cylinders must be tested for water pressure every 3 years to ensure the safety of oxygen cylinders.

    3. Check the smell of oxygen

       Industrial oxygen contains impurities, which cause the inner wall of the cylinder to rust. As time goes by, the degree of rust in the industrial oxygen cylinder gradually increases. Open the switch of the oxygen cylinder slightly, but the switch cannot be turned too large, and you can smell a strong odor. If you absorb oxygen When I feel the smell of rust, nine times out of ten it is industrial oxygen.

      Note: This method is not very effective for industrial oxygen filled with new oxygen cylinders.

      As long as it is used properly and not abused, both industrial oxygen and medical oxygen can play an irreplaceable and important role in their respective fields.

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